मुकदमा जीतने का हनुमान मंत्र, रुद्रावतार हनुमान कि पुजा आपको सभी प्रकार के कोर्ट केस से निजात दिलाने में सक्षम हैं|नीचे दिए गए अत्यधिक प्रभावी हनुमान मंत्रों का उपयोग कर आप अपने कोर्ट केस को आसानी से जीत सकते हैं:
मंत्र- “ॐ ऐं भीम हनुमते श्री रामदूत्याय नमः”|अदालती मामलो से छुटकारा पाने के लिए जातक को प्रतिदिन इस मंत्र का तीन माला जाप करनी चाहिए|चाहे केस कितना भी जटिल क्यूँ न हो इस मंत्र के प्रभाव से आप मुकदमा जीत जाएंगे|
हनुमान जी कि पुजा– कोर्ट के केस को जल्दी निपटाने के लिए रुद्रावतार हनुमानजी कि पुजा करे| पुजा के दौरान इस मंत्र को १०८ बार दुहराये- “दुर्गम काज जगत के जेते सुगम अनुग्रह तुम्हरो तेते|”इस मंत्र के प्रभाव से आपको सतप्रतिशत कोर्ट केस से छूटकारा मिल जाएगा | प्रतिदिन हनुमान जी कि पुजा से आप किसी भी नए मामले में नहीं फंसेगे|
मंत्र- “दीनदयालबिरदु संभारी, हरहू नाथ मम संकट भारी”||किसी भी हनुमान मंदिर में 11 गुलाब के ताजे फूल चढ़ाएं और मूर्ति की पूजा करने के पश्चात इस मंत्र का १०८ बार जाप करके मुकदमा कि सुनवाई के लिए जाए| हनुमानजी कि कृपा से केस का निर्णय जल्द ही आपके पक्ष में हो जाएगा|
मुकदमे को जीतने के लिए उपयुक्त सभी ज्योतिष उपाय आजमाए हुए हैं,जिन पर आप आँख मूँद कर विश्वास कर सकते हैं|हमेशा अपने कठिन समय के दौरान अपने ईश्वर में विश्वास रखने की कोशिश करें।विश्वास ब्रह्मांड की मुद्रा है जबकि धन पृथ्वी कि मुद्रा है।
केवल भगवान की कृपा ही इन ज्योतिष उपायों के माध्यम से चमत्कार पैदा कर सकती है। लेकिन चमत्कार आपके विश्वास से ही संभव हैं। आपके विश्वास की सीमा भगवान कि शक्ति और इन उपायों का पक्ष तय करेगी। इसलिए, परीक्षा के समय में भी परमेश्वर पर पूरा भरोसा रखें।
Astrological Remedies For Court Cases or astrological combination for winning court cases can be use for legal problems. You can use our astro remedies to get rid of court cases and live happy.
Astrology is a study based philosophy of the karma of a human. As humans, we all have karmas of our past life. This karma decides our suffering and troubles in the present life. But you can always change your fate. Astrology helps you doing that with remedies.
Astrological Remedies For Court Cases
You will find many types of solutions to your problems. Astrological books such as Lal Kitab give you different cures. Why live in pain and regret when you can fix your issues with some simple techniques?
There are Mantra, helps, and do tones to make your life easier. Change a small habit and experience the result yourself. Are you dealing with stress? Fasting may be the way to turn around everything.
Also, usually prayers and blessings of elders are always efficient to treat the bad energy around you. If you are dealing with litigation s, don’t give up yet. The astro remedies to get rid of court cases are also here. Finally, service to another is one of the purest remedies in astrology.
In this time, court cases are a common problem. Almost everyone deals with it at least once. It is mentally and physically tiring. It will drain your money as much as your energy. You are continually looking for ways to get rid of the court cases. Even if you put your best effort, you can lose. Therefore if you need an astrological combination for winning court cases, look no further.
We have brought you some great solutions right here for you. Find all kinds of astrological remedies for legal problems right below.
Astrological Remedies For Legal Problems
Astrological Remedies For Legal Problems, Bagalamukhan astrological of the most suggested astrological remedies for legal problems. It is a popular Tantrik prayog to help you win over your enemy and uproot the issue from the core.
Goddess Bagalamukhi is the one to worship when you are looking for victory. Do the prayog of thirty-six akchari mantra of Ma bagalamukhi every day.
Om Hleem Bagalaamukhi Sarvadushtaanaam
Vaacham Mukham
Padam Stambhay Jihvaam Keelay
Buddhim Vinaashaay Hring Om Swaha
Likewise Gomti Chakra is another solution for court cases. It is extremely beneficial for winning long due to court cases. It will bring you good fortune if you keep this closer to you. If you have ‘SarpaDosha’ in your horoscope, it is specially made for you then.
If you are anxious due to the negative spirit, all around Rudraksha is your answer. Panchamukhi Saptamukhi or Gyaramukhi rudraksha is useful to drive away from the evil around you. It gives you an edge over your rivals. Its divine power is an excellent Astro remedy to get rid of court cases.
Wearing dark-colored clothes is also an option for you. It may not seem much, but in the long run, you will understand its effects over the negativity. Astrologers say that it repels the dark energy that you have been living with.
But are you one of those people to go through just one tough case for years? Your court dates keep delaying, and you don’t have the answer? What if we suggest specific ways to change your life forever?
Astro Remedies To Get Rid of Court Cases
Astro Remedies To Get Rid of Court Cases, Waking up in the earliest of the morning is as you know the best way to start a new day. It is one of the astro remedies to get rid of court cases.
Wake up before the sunrise and take a bath right away. Also, get water in a copper vessel and dedicate it to the sun for Surya namaskar. Sun is the symbol of hope and a new beginning.
Astrologers also suggest chanting Gayatri mantra in the morning three times. Finally, end your morning ritual with Aditya HridyaStotra to please the God of sun.
Remember the small change of habits we mentioned earlier? According to astrology, a great way to a positively balanced life is leaving non-vegetarian food. The path of sacrifice and abstinence of your desires lies in the core of astrological remedies. It is useful in the long run and significantly helpful for winning court cases.
In many occasions, we worship Lord Ganesh for prosperity and success. As we know, our beloved Siddhi Vinayak is also the god of victory. Place an idol of Siddhidata in your home and chant the Ganesh mantra for 251 times every day in the morning. You can also offer the sweets of his wishes to please him easily.
There are also some Vastu related solutions to help you here. The study suggests that a house can contain lousy energy and bad luck due to spider webs and dirt developing inside. Do you keep your shoes outside and wash your feet before entering? If you don’t, make this your daily habit.
Astrological Combinations For Winning Court Cases
Astrological Combinations For Winning Court Cases, But in certain situations, we don’t get much time to process and prepare for a case. You don’t get months to make sure you win the case and get rid of it at once. Do not worry.
There are also various truly trouble-free astrological combinations for winning court cases you can find here. We have put together some such methods to make it easier for you to decide.
Sprinkling rice right outside the courtroom is one of these methods here. But make sure no one sees you while doing that. It’s the most effective if you make it work completely unnoticed. Putting four cloves in each of the corners of a courtroom may also get you the result you are expecting.
Some astrologers suggest a very particular method which usually softens the rival party. As they say it makes the opponent go easy on you. You have to write their names on a birch leaf and put it in honey. But make sure to use red sandal made pen for writing. This will supposedly make your victory more probable than ever.
As mentioned before Lal Kitab proposes you to visit hanuman temple and please the Lord. You must offer God some sweets and fill the air with sweet jasmine scented incense. Most noteworthy is you must read Hanuman Chalisa in front of the idol to ask him for success.
Astrology has spoken about countless mantras, japs, and ways to overcome all kinds of issues. But astrologers always advise following a remedy only if the need is genuine. Otherwise, the result may be something opposite and instead make it worse.