Divorce Line In Female Hand, Palmistry is a science in itself, and lines of the palm can easily indicate life happenings of a person. There are also such lines that are known as a divorce line in a female hand. If any women have such lines, they are likely to witness problems in marriage and ultimately to divorce. Let us understand this in a better way.
Formation of a fork at the end of marriage lines in females suggests the occurrence of divorce in their life. The fork represents a vast difference between the opinions of the spouses that often creates tension among them, finally leading towards their chances of breakups. The size of the fork also plays an important role. The more significant is the size of the fork, the more the problems within the couple.
If any female has an influential line that mounts the moon and cutting your fate line, such an indication also indicates chances of divorce. If the same lines mount over the moon and join the fate line, that is the best as it shows a happy marriage. But as the cuts, it creates troubles for the spouses, making them hate each other.
The formation of an Island on the female hand also denotes the possibility of divorce. Such an island is situated right in the middle of your marriage line; you may witness frequent quarrels with your partners. However, if the island formation is at the end of your marriage, lines indicate a permanent separation of the couple. These were some of the cases when a female could witness a divorce in her life. Many more conditions indicate the case, try to visit an expert palmist if you want to know.
As much as astrology relies on an individual’s horoscope to analyse and predict that person’s future, the palm of an individual is also used to read and predict certain aspects of the person’s life, nature and so on. This is also a science and is known as Palmistry.
Palmistry is still being practiced in countries like India. There are learned and experienced palmists who can take a close look at a person’s palm of the hand and immediately spell out the person’s past present and future. That is how second marriage prediction by Palmistry is done too.
More Details on Palmistry as a Science
As you are aware, the latest smartphones are being marketed on the fingerprint sensing technology. Phones which used facial identification have found that the process can be cheated while fingerprint cannot be played with. Even otherwise, fingerprints are used extensively in forensics and crime detection as well.
All these point to only one factor and that is that each individual has a unique set of fingerprints. This is the basic premise on which Palmistry also works. If you can understand this and allow a good palmist to read your palm, he or she will be able to tell you a lot about yourself, your life, marriage etc. And that is precisely the way the second marriage prediction by Palmistry is made possible.
Lines on the Palms Indicate Many Things
If you take a close look at your two palms, you will find lines in them that go in all directions. Each line there has some significance. Looking through the naked eye may not reveal much. You will need a good magnifying glass to study the lines in the palms.
Palmists always carry a magnifying glass. Palmistry has evolved through centuries and is even taught as a subject. The lines on one’s palms in both hands are given names. Some are called life lines, some love lines or heart lines and others health lines. There are marriage lines too.
The marriage lines can tell the palmist if the person will lead a successful married life. The palmist can also predict if there will be problems in the marriage and then if there is a chance of the individual marrying again.
In the modern context, there are hundreds of thousands of people who seek divorce from their first marriage and both the man and the woman seek new partners and marry again. This marrying again obviously is the second marriage.
This should not be confused with certain religions where more than one marriage is permitted. The second marriage prediction by Palmistry is purely according to what is permitted under law. That means, if you are married, you need to be legally divorced to go in for a second marriage. There are a few cases where the spouse may pass away and the person marries again.
How do the Lines Indicate Marriage?
The lines that run horizontally just below your little fingers on both hands are identified as the marriage line. Beyond just giving the palmist the insight into the person’s marriage prospects, the lines can tell about the love life as well.
These lines which run parallel can denote if someone will get married early or late. Similarly, there are specific lines that can confirm if the person will end up having a second marriage. Palmists look for these indications from both the hands before making the second marriage prediction by Palmistry.
Other Details You Must Know
If your interest in Palmistry has been aroused by reading these details, you can take some time more and learn the details about this science.
Palmistry does not limit itself to the lines on the palms. In reality, the study of Palmistry in all its entirety is a broad subject. To start with, you must know which hand’s palm is to be read to know the future of the person.
Is it the right hand or the left hand? In practice it may vary with the particular professional or expert, but for men it is usually the left hand and for women, the right-hand palm is studied to make the predictions.
But there is really no hard and fast rule in this. Some experts recommend that if a person uses his or her left hand predominantly, then the left palm should be read, irrespective of the sex. You can leave it to the expert to take a call on this.
Second Marriage Prediction by Palmistry
Now, not just the palms, the lines run through your fingers and there are two mounds on your palm one just below the origin of the thumb and another opposite that. These mounds also matter while studying the palm, under Palmistry. The shape of the hands and the fingers even are expected to reflect certain personality traits of a person.
You will be left wondering how it is possible for God to create billions of creatures one different from the other.
It’s A Very Personal Affair
Unlike other forms of astrology or prediction about future, Palmistry is highly personal since you have to show your hands to a palmist yourself to know what the future holds for you. If you are young and have a lot of apprehensions of entering into married life, consult with a good palmist.
You can boldly ask questions of the palmist to read your palms and the marriage lines and assure you how it will pan out. If everything looks good, then you can go back fully confident and sure and get married.
If you are having problems in your married life and would be keen to understand if you should get out of this relationship, you can ask the palmist to specifically tell you whether there is second marriage prediction by Palmistry.
Thus, armed with this information, it becomes easier to go through the agony of a divorce and formal separation. But at least you will know there is light at the end of the tunnel and you can quickly complete the formalities and start looking for a new partner. Palmistry will help you with this phase in life.
FAQ About Second Marriage Prediction by Palmistry
Which signs indicate second marriage in palmistry?
Many people become curious when they think of their marriage. Also, they always desire to receive information about their marriage, their spouse before the actual time. Thus they visit palmists because they know that the lines on their palm can show all the traits of their character together with the past and the future. People also ask which signs indicate second marriage in palmistry. To begin with, the lines that run horizontally on your palm just below the little finger indicated marriage lines. The same concept is applicable for both of your palm. These lines vary from person to person, and their orientation or intersecting with the other lines determine different aspects of your marriage. These lines can show when you about to get married, the way you live with your partner, any chances of divorce or second marriage, and many more. A palmist knew all such details just by looking at your palm; he can easily predict all such cases. In case you want to know by yourself, start reading such books. Try to identify the lines, the process will take time, but you can do this. If a marriage line in a person's hand crosses the sun line, he can witness the second marriage in his life. In case his parallel upward going lines cut his famous line from inside of the lifeline, he too can observe a second marriage possibility. Many people worry when they have problems in their marriage, they also have fear about what will happen to their children. Such palmists can give you an indication so that you can prepare yourself well in advance.
How to find second marriage in palmistry?
Many people are curious to know their future, especially when it comes to marriage. As marriage is an essential event in everyone's life, people often ask how to find a second marriage in palmistry. Looking closer to your palm and reading such books can make you understand such parameters. A palmist who is master in this can easily guide you with any of your queries. It is very awkward to share our problems with the unknown person, but you have to take the risk to calm your curiosity. Alternatively, you can also try to study such lines and the stages of life they show. You have to be patient and dedicate sometimes reading such books. You will surely learn plenty of information on this subject. There are many signs on a person's hand that can give you an indication of two marriages in your life. Some of them are as consider as two parallel marriage lines that consist of both sides, a fork or island formation on marriage lines. Many palmists also say having a mole on the middle finger, and index member also gives such indication. Some of the others are as follows A break on the marriage line Many numbers of marriage lines on your both hands Existence of double fate lines and crosses on your hand Too many crosses and lines on your hand Marriage line crosses the sun line In case you have any doubts regarding any of the above formations, you can visit any expert palmist nearby for their advice.